
After deeply understanding basic acting techniques and getting acquainted with the characteristics of characters through each scene, students will begin a new journey – bringing “breath and life” to the character throughout the film.

In class ACT Ill – Building characteristics, students will approach techniques to work with a complete script: Determine the role of the character in the script, build the event flow depended on character’s past experiences, the impact of events on characters, clarify thoughts and feelings with other characters in the script, how to keep the character consistent and build development journey of characters.


Before starting the lessons, students will do some exercises to train the body to express confidently and freely focusing on:

  • Voice
  • Body
  • Emotions
  • Mindset


  • Character Walk
  • Character Voice and Movement
  • Energy Source
  • Character Wakeup
  • Character Intimacy


Students will be able to:

  • Approach techniques to analyze with a complete script (including character’s history, character’s personalities,…)
  • Learn how to develop and express a character’s emotions and characteristics after analyzing a character’s history.
  • Confidently perform acting skills in front of the camera and more easily convey the character’s emotions to the audience.
  • Perform in Scene study classes with props and costumes.


Class contents
  • Session 1: Script foundation and character background.
  • Session 2: The character's emotional arc and motives.
  • Session 3: Buidling character emotional journey & history.
  • Session 4: Character appearance elements – Gestures, behaviors, attitudes.
  • Session 5: The relationship with other characters in the script – Building the character’s relationship diagram.
  • Session 6: Building an emotional journey map and character emotion’s tracking map.
  • Session 7: Character development: Thoughts and Emotions.
  • Session 8: Character development: Voice and Body movement.
  • Session 9: Preparation for Cinematography – Review Top 10 scenes analysis tools.
  • Session 10: Performance Showcase.
Course name Course date Teacher Number of classes Tuition
ACT III – BUILDING CHARACTERISTICS Ms. Kathy Uyen 5 weeks | 10 sessions 8,800,000 VNĐ
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